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November 27, 2007

george.gif (Elder George)

(This is a revised version of the pamphlet, "Patriarchy, The Natural Way of Life")

The breakdown of the familial and tribal structure upon which humankind depends is endemic to the Western culture. This condition is a direct consequence of the Western ignorance of the Universal Principle of Gender and the natural patriarchal order that evolves from it.

The survival of this nation is dependent upon the rebuilding of a strong family and tribal structure, and this can only be done by the reestablishment of patriarchy.

For a better understanding of patriarchy, it is helpful to review the fundamental operation of the universe, in which, for anything to happen, there is always an assertive influence acting upon a receptive entity. The assertive influence is the masculine principle and the receptive entity is the feminine principle.

Examples of this gender created activity can be seen in the physical universe. When the north pole (the assertive masculine principle) sends a charge to the south pole (the feminine receptive principle), it becomes pregnant and produces magnetism. When the anode in a battery sends a charge to the cathode, the cathode becomes pregnant and produces electrons. When the Sun sends its rays to the moon, the moon becomes pregnant and produces light at night. There must always be an initiatory force (whether seen or unseen) acting upon a physical receptive entity, to produce anything.

The union of masculine and feminine principles to produce things is called a pregnancy, and all of life is the result of a pregnancy. The force which initiates the pregnancy is the masculine principle and the entity which becomes pregnant and does the producing is the feminine principle. Whether the pregnancy is one of material products, spiritual doctrine, or political theory, the initiatory force is always the masculine principle, which is the reason that inventions, religions, and philosophies are initiated by men.

Since the masculine principle is the initiatory force of the universe would it not then reasonably follow that patriarchy would be the natural form of association? It is. The animal world is patriarchal and polygamous, whether it be deer, lions or baboons. The celestial world is also patriarchal and polygamous, for in every solar system there is but one sun (the masculine principle) and many planets (the feminine principle). The patriarchal structure is quite natural.

In the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, Adam represents the masculine principle. He names the beasts of the field, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, which is a symbolic representation that all things emanate from the masculine principle. It is Adam who is told not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then Eve (the productive feminine principle) comes into being to be Adam's helpmate. She is formed from Adam's rib, again an allegory illustrating that all things emanate from the masculine principle. Eve is chosen to be seduced by the serpent because she is the receptive entity. Adam, on the other hand, can not be seduced but he can be tempted and manipulated. What happened is history, but what seems not to be understood is that Eve paid the price of Adam not doing his job. That too was symbolic – women suffer the consequences when men don't do their job. It can not be otherwise since men are assertive influence. The Garden of Eden is a symbolic representation of the natural patriarchal order.

Abstract thinking is a masculine trait. Women can not abstract, nor can they conceptualize. Feminine thinking is material, for it is material thinking that enables women to nature the race. A woman "sees" on a mental screen all that she can understand and communicate. Abstractions and concepts can not be seen.

The primary goal in the Western culture is the acquisition of material goods and services. Its children are motivated to go to school, learn something, get a job, so they can have money to buy something, or be somebody, which is based upon having material objectives. Family structure gives way to a productive structure, and social mores are based on what will help the economy.

The purpose of the production of goods and services – which we call the economy – is to nurture the race. Instead, the Western culture has made the serving of the economy an end in itself, frequently at the cost of nurturing the race. It is a travesty on the supposed benefits of the possession of material wealth when women of the richest nation in the world can not afford to suckle their offspring or be at home when their children return from school, whereas women of poorer nations do both.

In addition to being highly productive, the Western culture is also passive. Everyone is a victim of something, whether it be of heredity, environment, poverty, racism, bigotry, pollution, family, sexism, abuse, government, business, and whatever other influences are acting upon the passive, receptive, adaptable, feminine Western culture.

There is little understanding of the karmic concept, that we are responsible for our own lives, that the conditions we are in are drawn unto us as a result of our own actions. That "whatever a man soweth, he shall also reap" is one of the great metaphysical truisms. This is an Asian masculine concept not understood by Western man.

Pills are taken to lose weight, inoculations to avoid colds, and subliminal tapes to learn something. This passive approach to all things is in reality dealing with effects not causes, which is the feminine trait. A classic example was Hillary Clinton's health care plan, which did not deal with health at all, sickness was accepted and how to deal with it was the issue. The Western culture is only capable of dealing with effects, not causes. The feminine principle cannot initiate a cause, it can only be a receptive effect.

The manner in which the Western culture deals with all effects is by the use of the three material powers; money, information, and police power. These are the three powers necessary for women to nurture the race. Money or material things with which to provide the nurturing; information on how to use the material things; and police power, for mother's milk flows freely when she is safe and secure. These three powers are used as solutions for every problem confronting society, which can be seen in the manner in which we address education and health.

To combat the constantly declining academic performance, the call is for monetary solutions such as higher pay for teachers, smaller class sizes, and more modern equipment; for information which includes various studies, reports and analyses; and more police protection. Yet all of these material solutions consistently fail to improve academic performance.

In his book DC by the Numbers: A State of Failure, Thomas Edmonds shows that the District of Columbia schools have the smallest student/teacher ratio in the country, the highest per capita expenditure per pupil, and the highest paid teachers. In fact the school expenditures rank the highest in the nation in about 14 different categories, yet academic performance is dismal.

In her book What Money Can't Buy, author Susan E. Meyer, who's original intent was to show that poorer school districts needed more money to improve academic performance, was shocked when her research showed that increased expenditure had little or no effect. What improved school performance, were intangibles, such as perseverance, goal orientation, a home environment conducive to study, and parental motivation, to name a few. These are masculine traits. When fathers are at home the school drop out rate is cut in half, teen-age pregnancy is cut in half, and academic performance improves. It is the unseen (the masculine principle) which effects the seen (the feminine principle.)

In our health programs – which are in reality sickness programs – the approach is similar to the one used to address education, and with the same failure of results. It is symptoms, not illnesses that are treated, and the treatment is based on a material directive called a protocol, which is in reality a liturgy prescribed by drug companies in collusion with attorneys and enforced by the high priests of a medical oligarchy. Small wonder that nurse practitioners are replacing physicians for now that the liturgy has been established, it is no longer required – or even permitted – to think or judge, but only to read and obey (the feminine principle.)

The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that has not produced a cure for anything. It accepts illness and treats its symptoms. This is the feminine principle – to adapt and nurture – it can not make change. To make change requires an assertive influence.

The feminine material values of the Western culture caused the erosion and eventual collapse of the natural patriarchal order throughout the world. Wherever Western man has gone there has been economic development (the feminine principle) and a destruction of the familial and tribal way of life. Now the familial way of life has collapsed in the entire Western culture and Western man does not know what to do about it.

If we do not know the cause of a problem, how then can we come up with a solution? We can't, which is why the throwing of money, studies, and increased police protection, at our social ills have no positive effect. Fatherhood cannot be replaced with money, nor manhood with the law. There is no effective substitute for patriarchy.

George's site is   He cane be reached at


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at